🌳 Climate wins 🏭

We felt a measure of hopefulness as we read about the important steps taken at this year’s U.N. climate conference, COP28. We hope you will too!

3 important climate wins you may not have heard about:

  1. Methane got much-needed attention.

  2. We’re a step closer to saving the rainforests.

  3. COP28 included the largest delegation of young leaders ever.

Source: This list is from the Environmental Defense Fund’s Vital Signs blog: Was COP28 a success? 3 important climate wins you may not have heard about.

β€œI’d like to start planting trees on a regular basis here in Central Oregon. I've contacted OSU Extension to see who might already be doing this. My question for you is, if I can figure out how to make this happen,would you like to join me? It could be really fun! If you’re interested, you can email me at denise@compassionatecenter.org.” ~ Denise.