Compassionate Practice

Photo credit: Denise Torres

Photo credit: Denise Torres

How do we make Compassionate Communication a part of our lives? 

Learning the principles is a start. Living them is a lifelong adventure. Practicing helps us become more compassionate with ourselves and others and bridges our understanding from the principles of NVC to the consciousness of NVC.

Below are the current compassionate practice groups. Some are open to new members. Please contact the facilitator or contact number for each group listed below for more information.

As a prerequisite to joining a group, it is requested that you do one or more of the following:

  • Read Nonviolent Communication, A Language of Life, by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, available in our bookstore and library.

  • Attend an Introductory Workshop.

  • Watch the DVD, The Basics of Compassionate Communication by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg. The DVD is available at our library or at the Center for Nonviolent Communication.

A suggested donation of $2-$5 is requested for each session as a way of supporting the expenses of the Center. No one is turned away due to limited funds.

Compassionate Practice Groups

In-Person Practice Groups

Sunday Practice Group
Facilitator: Denise Torres
Meeting Day/Time: Every other Sunday at the Sons of Norway Hall, 5-6:30 p.m.
Contact: Denise

The Sunday group will center Compassionate Communication practices around the relationship competencies inspired by LaShelle Lowe-Chardé of Wise Heart. During the summer we practiced the art of expressing appreciation in a manner congruent with NVC. During fall and early winter we plan to explore and practice two additional core relationship competencies:

  1. Empathy

  2. Honest Expression

The practice sessions will explore whatever is alive for participants with the opportunity to practice and develop real skills around empathy (for self and others) and the ability to express oneself in an honest, genuine, and kind way.

All who have a basic understanding of NVC per Marshall Rosenberg are welcome.

Zoom Videoconferencing Practice Groups

Sunday Practice Group
Facilitator: Bryn Hazell
Meeting Day/Time: Sundays, 5-6 p.m. PT
Contact: Bryn, 541-350-6517

Tuesday Practice Group
Facilitator: Bryn Hazell
Meeting Day/Time: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month, 5-6 p.m. PT
Contact: Bryn, 541-350-6517

Wednesday Practice Group
Facilitator: Bryn Hazell
Meeting Day/Time: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month, 6-7 p.m. PT
Contact: Bryn, 541-350-6517